<aside> 🌱 Use this guide to protect your children from sensitive content over the internet.


How to protect your privacy while protecting your kids from sensitive content?

Needless to say, this is a complex challenge, but here's a solution we've come up with.

The privacy issue

For now, the only way to check a user's age is with the help of a centralized/federated authority. We need to send a request for a particular user, and they tell us if the user is an adult or not.

We do not think this is a viable solution, as, by default, a centralized way of checking age is not privacy friendly. Either your identity will be linked to our site, either an entity will know that you have accessed our site, or even both.

Peach actions

At Peach, we take children's safety very seriously. We have put all the recommended flags on our websites so that web browsers, search engines, DNS providers, and other tools so they all know we are an adult-restricted platform.****

Our solution

Here is our recommendations for parents to protect their kids:

  1. Enable safe search on search engines

  2. Use a family friendly DNS filter

    This is the best thing you can do to protect your network, it even blocks malwares!

    We recommend you to follow Cloudflare’s tutorial on how to setup their DNS filter: — The free app that makes your Internet faster.